Why should our condo association have a website?

There are many reasons your association should have or consider a new condo web design. First, condominium and homeowners associations rely on communication: with each other, with present and future residents, and with the property management. Having a professional, multi-use, informational website is vital to keeping all parties up-to-date on the latest neighborhood information. Websites can attract future residents, and they can keep current residents by offering direct communication with the association, online payments, and a host of neighborhood news.

Having a website makes your association’s information available 24/7. This helps ease some of the burden from association and board members because basic information will be just a click away for residents. Websites can also answer common questions, which, without a website, would require time consuming phone calls and emails.

Websites are also an effective way to go green, stay organized, and cut costs. Paper applications are no longer the best way for new residents to submit their application. Printing and transporting the paper is cumbersome, and pages can easily be damaged or lost. Applicants also have to either show up in person to fill out an application or rely on snail mail, which can be a real turn-off in such a technology based society. Providing required applications online and allowing for electronic submission will cut down on your cost for materials, it will be convenient and appealing for your clients, and you can store the records electronically without having to use bulky filing cabinets or clunky file folders.

A new condo web design is also a way to show the world how great your neighborhood is. You can upload photos, videos, and testimonials, all displaying why your home is the best home for anyone. Out of town residents will be more likely to consider moving to your community if they can scope things out first from the comfort of their own home. The same can be said for families with kids or multiple members, who cannot easily visit your neighborhood many times before making a final decision.

If we don’t want a website are we required to have one for our HOA?

Your condo association may be required by law to have a website. Here is a short summary of the part of Florida HB 1237, that relates to the HOA requirement to have a website.

condo web designHB 1237 (SB 1246) has passed the Florida House and Senate and will almost certainly be approved by the Governor of the state of Florida. If approved by the Governor, the provision regarding HOA websites will become effective on July 1, 2018. By July 1, 2018, an association with 150 or more units which does not manage timeshare units shall post digital copies of some of its official records on its website. The records which must be on the website includes declarations, bylaws, and articles of incorporation along with all amendments. The bill doesn’t stop there; the HOA website must also include management contracts and leases, summaries of bids for materials, equipment or services. The HOA website will also have copies of the annual budget and any proposed budget, financial reports and each director’s self-certification of participation in a Division approved educational program. Notices of agendas for membership and board meetings along with contracts between the association and any director, officer, corporation, firm or other entity in which the association member has a financial interest will all be posted online on the condo association website.

To implement the website requirement, the Department of Business and Professional Regulation will include within the next condominium association annual fee statement, a notice informing condominium associations of 150 units or more of the requirement to create a website for association documents that is operational on or before July 1, 2018.

UPDATE April 20, 2018:

On March 23, 2018, Governor Rick Scott approved SB 841 making additional changes to the website requirements added to FL Chapter 718 in 2017, which includes an extension of the deadline from July 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019. If you are on the board of a condo association with 150 units or more you no longer have to get your HOA website done by July 1, 2018 you now have until January 1, 2018. Nobody will be working on New Year’s Day and right before that we have Christmas. Hanukkah 2018 will run from December 2 – 10 which means many people will be taking time off in December of 2018. Realistically all Florida condos of 150 units or more should make every effort to have their new website live by December 1 2018.

UPDATE March 6 2024:

HB 1021 was introduced, Dec 22, 2023, it passed House Mar 01, 2024, it passed Senate Mar 06, 2024 and was signed into law Jun 14, 2024.

Effective January 1, 2026, HB 1021 decreases from 150 units to 25 units the threshold requirement for an association to maintain specified records available on the association’s website or on a mobile device.


Currently, associations with 150 units or more must have a website but as of 1/1/26, associations with 25 or more units must have a website.

Having a website also facilitates an association’s obligation to comply with unit owner records request.

From the Condominium Act: “If the requested records are posted on an association’s website, or are available for download through an application on a mobile device, the association may fulfill its obligations under this paragraph by directing to the website or the application all persons authorized to request access.â€

Why use Condo Association Web Design?

Nowadays, it seems like almost anyone can design a basic website, but it still takes a lot of time, patience, and skills to create something truly professional, advanced, and able to accept electronic payments, submissions, etc. Business websites also require upkeep and maintenance, which can be a real burden if it’s not someone’s full-time job.

Condo Association Web Design not only has the skills and expertise to design your website, but it is our job to make sure it can be maintained properly for the years to come. Associations change hands all the time and it can be difficult to design a website that can easily be used by a variety of people with a variety of computer-based skill sets. Condo Association Web Design can create just that kind of website so that you, your association, and your residents never have to feel left in the dark.

Can you support an association as large/small as we are?

Yes. We our condo web design services and features can accommodate any sized association. The speed and functionality of our websites will not be effected by the number of users.

Do I need to know anything about condo web design programming to do this?


No. We create user friendly sites that can be operated by those of any level of computer skill set. If you can send an email or check a social media account, you can use our interface. No programming or condo web design experience necessary!


Can you provide web design services to our residents’ businesses?


Yes. Owned by Advertising Excellence, Inc., a full service advertising agency, our design team is versatile with condo web design and all types of business websites. No matter the business, we can design a website that is beautiful, professional, and guaranteed to enhance anyone’s business.